I am your luxurious blend of ingredients to give you a mylk that is so good, you will feel like its desert. While enjoying every sip, you will also be filled with monounsaturated fats to keep your heart healthy. Studies have shown that I can help to reduce coronary heart disease, especially in my Plush liquid form. Did you know I contain copper? Did you know that copper will allow you to utilize iron better, eliminate free radicals, increase bone and connective tissue development. Iโm also good for the skin and hair because of my melanin content. We all know calcium is great for healthy bones, but did you know that 2/3 of the magnesium found in our body is in our bones? Good thing I also have magnesium in me. It doesnโt end there, I can help reduce weight gain, help prevent gallstones and help you to de stress. Enough already, crack me open and have a taste.